This bundle is for real estate brokers in Wisconsin to fulfill the continuing education requirements to renew their real estate license. In this bundle you will find the full 18 credit hours of both Mandatory courses (12 hours) and Elective hours (6 hours) needed to renew your Wisconsin real estate license. Courses included in this package are:
*Note: All courses are approved for the 23/24 renewal cycle, courses for the 25/26 renewal cycle are currently in development.
Wisconsin Agency Law
Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Disciplinary Actions
Commissions in Wisconsin Agency Agreements, Offers of Compensation and Antitrust
The Inspection Contingency in the Wisconsin Offers to Purchase
Wisconsin Legislative Updates Related to Real Estate
Wisconsin Real Estate Case Law Update
Advertising for Wisconsin Real Estate Licensees
Default, Earnest Money, and WB-45 Cancellation Agreement and Mutual Release
Financing Commitment and Appraisal Contingencies in the Wisconsin Offers to Purchase
Fair Housing in Wisconsin Transactions
Agent-to-Agent Relationships
Seller and Licensee Disclosure in Wisconsin Transactions
Short Sales and Foreclosures in Wisconsin
Changing a Property’s Use in Wisconsin
Other Wisconsin Approved Forms
Closing a Buyer’s Property Contingency, Secondary Offer, and Bump Clause in the Wisconsin Offers to Purchase
Drafting Contracts in Wisconsin Real Estate Transactions
Risk Reduction for Wisconsin Licensees